How to Use the ASM Activity Monitor
The Activity Monitor opens when you launch Automated Security Manager (ASM). It contains a log of ASM activities, and provides access to features that let you manage responses to network security threats.
Information on:
- Set ASM's Operation Mode
- Confirm Responses
- Undo Selected Actions
- Delete Table Entries
- Clean Up Incidents
Setting ASM's Operation Mode
ASM can be fully enabled, completely disabled, or set to only search for and record network threats:
- Click Disabled to set ASM to an inactive state. In this condition, ASM ignores events from the intrusion detection system and neither seeks out nor responds to the sources of network threats.
- Click Search Only to set ASM to recognize security threats, identify their source ports, and record event information in the Activity Monitor, but not to respond.
- Click Search and Respond to enable all of ASM's features. In this state, ASM is fully active; threats are recognized, sources identified, and responses (actions) are applied.
Confirming Actions for Selected Log Entries
Actions configured for Manual Confirmation Required allow you to examine specific events before taking an action:
- Select one or more events from the Activity Monitor.
- Click Confirm Response to apply the configured actions.
Undo Action
You can reverse the most recent actions on selected event/action entries in the Activity Monitor:
- Select one or more events from the Activity Monitor.
- Click Undo Selected Actions.
Delete Table Entries
You can remove selected event/action entries from the Activity Monitor:
- Select one or more events from the Activity Monitor.
- Click Delete Table Entry. The entries are removed without further confirmation.
Clean Up Incidents
You can delete incidents from the Activity Monitor based on incident status.
- Click the Clean Up Incidents button below the Activity Monitor table. The Clean Up Incidents window opens.
- Use the checkboxes to select the statuses of the incidents you want to delete. For more information on each status, see the Icon/Status section of the Activity Monitor Help topic.
- Click Apply.
For information on related windows:
- Automated Security Manager Configuration Window
- Automated Security Manager Options
- Create/Edit Rule Window
For information on related tasks:
- How to Set Automated Security Manager Options
- How to Create and Edit Automated Security Manager Rules