Event View
Extreme Management Center's Event View lets you view alarm, event, and trap information for Management Center Console, network devices, and other Management Center applications. Each tabbed view in the Event panel lets you scroll through the most recent 10,000 entries in the logs that are configured for that view.
When Management Center Console is initially installed, the following tabs are provided: a Console tab showing Console events, an Alarms tab showing network alarms, and a Traps tab that captures traps from devices modeled in the Management Center database. The Syslog tab shows events from devices that are configured to use the Management Center Syslog Server.
In addition, there is a tab for each installed Management Center application, as well as a Scheduler tab that displays events for the Management Center scheduled tasks configured via the Administration tab.
You can add your own tabs that capture local logs. Local logs are not automatically polled, but can be manually refreshed using the Refresh button.
With the Event tables, you can:
- Configure your own tables to capture and combine similar information from various sources. For example, you can combine event logs from other Management Center applications or merge trap logs into an single Event View.
- Find, filter, and sort table information.
- Print table information
- Use the auto-export toolbar to export Event View information to a file in HTML or delimited text format.
- Trigger e-mail notification, when a particular alarm, event, or trap occurs.
Sample Event View
Depending on your installation, up to four default tabs are available with the initial installation of the legacy Console java application. You cannot remove or change these tabs. However, you can add your own tabs to create custom tables that provide the information needed to manage your network.
The four default tables are:
- Console Tab
- This tab records Console events, such as devices created or deleted, discovery started
or ended,
and poll activity.
TIP: You can also view the Console Event Log via a web browser using the Extreme Management Center Alarms and Events tab.
- Alarms Tab
- This tab shows information about current network alarms. You can also clear alarms and view an alarm history about all current and past alarms.
TIP: You can also view the Alarms tab via a web browser using the Extreme Management Center Alarms and Events tab.
- Traps Tab
- Shows trap information for devices modeled in the Management Center database.
NOTE: If no trap information is being collected in the Traps tab, you may have more than one trap daemon running on your system. Console includes an SNMP trap daemon that must be the only trap daemon running on your system. If there is another trap daemon running, either the OS trap daemon or with another application (HPOV, Management Center Element Manager, etc.), you must shut it down before launching Console.
- Syslog Tab
- This tab maintains a record of all the BOOTP messages received for devices modeled in the Management Center database.
Event Log Column Definitions
- Acknowledge
- This column can be checked which lets you hide items that have been acknowledged. Click the check box to acknowledge the item and then click the Show Acknowledged Events button to hide or show the checked items.
- Severity
- Indicates the potential impact of the event or trap. For traps, this column shows the Severity as defined in the trapd.conf file.
- Category
- For traps, this column shows the cagtegory defined in the trapd.conf file. For other events, it indicates the source of the of the information, either a Console Poller, local log, syslog, trap log, Error (java exceptions), etc.
Right-Click Menu
A right-mouse click on a column heading or anywhere in the table body (or a left-mouse click on the
Table Tools button when visible
in the upper left corner of the table) opens a popup menu that provides access to
event options and a set of Table Tools that can be
used to manage information in the table. The right-click menu for the Event
View provides the following options in addition to those available as standard options:
- Acknowledge Selected - places a check in the Acknowledge column for all of the selected rows.
- Unacknowledge Selected - removes the checks in the Acknowledge column from all of the selected rows.
- Acknowledge All - places a check in the Acknowledge column for all rows.
- Unacknowledge All - removes the checks in the Acknowledge column from all rows.
- Event Details - opens the Event Details window which provides additional information about a selected event or trap.
Show/Hide Acknowledged Events
- This button hides or shows items in the table that have been acknowledged by a check in the Acknowledge column.
Event View Manager
- This button opens the Event View Manager window where you can change the elements in the selected table or define additional tabs for the Event View panel.
Open Event Log
- This button lets you open an event log file located on the Management Center Server or Client. The popup menu offers two options:
Clear Cache and Roll Logs on Server Button
- Writes the current table entries to a timestamped file and clears entries
from the table and the server cache. This button acts only on the currently
selected tab in the Event panel. Console log files are saved to the
<install directory>\appdata\logs directory. Syslog and Traps log files are saved to the syslogs and traps directories respectively, in the<install directory>\appdata\logs directory.
For information on related windows:
For information on related tasks: