How to Configure Events

You can use the Event View Manager window to add your own views (tabs) to the Event View panel. You can create custom tables that capture and combine similar information (same log type) from various sources. For example, you can combine or merge trap logs into a single Event View.

Instructions for:

Creating a New Event View

You can create custom tables that capture and combine alarms, events and/or traps from various sources to provide the information needed to manage your network in Extreme Management Center.

  1. Click the Event View Manager button Configure  in the lower-right corner of the Event View. (If you are using Console, you can also go to the Tools menu and select Alarm/Event > Event View Manager.) The Event View Manager window opens.
  2. Click Add in the top panel. The New View window opens.
  3. Type a Name for your new view. The name can be up to 32 characters long. Spaces and special characters are not permitted. This is the name that will appear on the tab for your new view in the Event panel.
  4. Check one or more standard columns (System Name, System Location, System Description) to add those columns to your new view or check Custom to add custom columns. Custom columns can be added for any column from the NSDEVICES table. The NSDEVICES table can be found in the NsSchema.xml file which is located in the <install directory>\jboss\server\default\
    jar file. Within the jar file, the path is com\enterasys\netsight\api\Resources\NsSchema.xml.

    One or more columns can be defined as a comma delimited string using the following format:



    objName.objField is the field name from the NSDEVICES table.
    columnName is the name that will appear as the column heading.

    For example:

     NOTE:Device data in the Event View is not dynamically updated as the device's data changes. You will need to Refresh the Event View in order to see any changes.
  5. Click OK. Your new tab name now appears in the Title column of the Views table. The Log Managers column is blank.
  6. If the Available Log Managers table lists a log that you want to add to this tab, select that log manager from the list and click Log Add Button. The selected log manager is added to the Log Managers in View table and in the Log Managers column in the Views table.
  7. If the desired log is not in the Available Log Managers table, you can add a log manager to the table, then add it to the Log Managers in View table. To add a new Log Manager
    1. Click New. The Log Manager Parameters - New Log Manager window opens.
    2. Type a name for your new Log Manager.
    3. Enter the path and filename for the log being managed by this Log Manager into the Log File field or click Browse to open a file browser where you can navigate and select a log file.
    4. If you are selecting a Syslog file, select a Pattern from the drop-down list to be used to interpret the information from the log file. You can select a currently defined pattern or click the Config button to open the Custom Pattern Configuration window where you can create a new pattern to match a format that is not parsed by one of the default pattern definitions:
      • KIWI Pattern - Parses a basic KIWI Syslog Server file format
      • NetSight Syslog Pattern Parses files generated by the NetSight (Management Center) Syslog Service
      • NetSight Trap Log Pattern - Parses files generated by the snmpTrapd Service
      • UNIX Syslog Pattern - Parses files generated by the built-in UNIX/LINUX Syslog Service
      • Console 1.x Pattern - Parses files generated by Console 1.x
      • NetSight Log Pattern - Parses files generated by Console and the other NetSight (Management Center) applications
      • 1X Plugin Pattern - Parses files generated by other NetSight (Management Center) applications
      • Red Hat LINUX Syslog Pattern - Parses files generated by the built-in UNIX/LINUX Syslog Service
      • Ubuntu LINUX Syslog Pattern - Parses files generated by the built-in UNIX/LINUX Syslog Service
    5. Click OK to add your new log manager to the Available Log Managers table and close the window.
  8. With your new log manager selected, click Log Add Button.
  9. When you are satisfied with the list of log managers, click Apply to save your newly configured Event View.
  10. Repeat Steps 2 through 9 to create another tab. Otherwise, click OK to exit from the Event View Manager window.

Modifying an Existing Event View

The mechanism for modifying an existing Event View is similar to creating a new one. The tab being modified is selected from the top panel and changes are applied in the two bottom panels.

To modify an existing Events Tab:

  1. Click the Event View Manager button Configure  in the lower-right corner of the Event View. (If you are using Console, you can also go to the Tools menu and select Alarm/Event > Event View Manager.) The Event View Manager window opens.
  2. Select the View being changed from the list in the top panel.
  3. Click Edit in the top panel to open the Edit View window where you can change the name of the View and add columns to the view. For information on adding custom columns, see step 4 above.
  4. If the Available Log Managers table lists a log that you want to add to this tab, select that log manager from the list and click Log Add Button. The selected log manager is added to the Log Managers in View table and in the Log Managers column in the Views table.
  5. If the desired log is not in the Available Log Managers table, you can add a log manager to the table, then add it to the Log Managers in View table. To add a new Log Manager
    1. Click New. The Log Manager Parameters - New Log Manager window opens.
    2. Type a name for your new Log Manager.
    3. Enter the path and filename for the log being managed by this Log Manager into the Log File field or click Browse to open a file browser where you can navigate and select a log file.
    4. If you are selecting a Syslog file, select a Pattern from the drop-down list that will be used to interpret the information from the log file. You can select a currently defined pattern or click the Config button to open the Custom Pattern Configuration window where you can create a new pattern to match a format that is not parsed by one of the default pattern definitions:
      • KIWI Pattern - Parses a basic KIWI Syslog Server file format
      • NetSight Syslog Pattern Parses files generated by the NetSight (Management Center) Syslog Service
      • NetSight Trap Log Pattern - Parses files generated by the snmpTrapd Service
      • UNIX Syslog Pattern - Parses files generated by the built in UNIX/LINUX Syslog Service
      • Console 1.x Pattern - Parses files generated by Console 1.x
      • NetSight Log Pattern - Parses files generated by Console and its current plugins
      • 1X Plugin Pattern - Parses files generated by Console 1.x plugins
      • Red Hat LINUX Syslog Pattern - Parses files generated by the built in UNIX/LINUX Syslog Service
    5. Click OK to add your new log manager to the Available Log Managers table and close the window.
  6. With your new log manager selected, click Log Add Button.
  7. When you are satisfied with the list of log managers, click Apply to save your newly configured Event View.
  8. Repeat Steps 2 through 6 to modify another view. Otherwise, click OK to exit the Event View Manager window.

Removing an Event View

To remove an Event View from the Event View panel:

  1. Click the Event View Manager button Configure  in the lower-right corner of the Event View. (If you are using Console, you can also go to the Tools menu and select Alarm/Event > Event View Manager.) The Event View Manager window opens.
  2. Select the View being removed from the list in the top panel.
  3. Click the Remove button.

For information on related windows: