Interface Statistics Window

Use this window to view color-coded statistical information about each individual bridge port on your device. The first four statistics are graphically displayed in color-coded form in the pie chart. These statistics are updated with each poll to the device.

To access the Interface Statistics window from Device Manager, click on the desired port number in the Device View and select Interface Statistics from the port menu. To access this window from Console, select the desired port in the Port View of the Properties tab or in a FlexView table, and use the right-click menu option.

This window can also be accessed from the Interface Summary window by selecting the desired interface, and clicking on Statistics.

Click the graphic for more information.

Interface Statistics

Displays a description of the port and the type of interface followed by the board and port number.
Displays the physical address of the selected port.
Displays the type of interface.
Pie Chart
Displays interface statistics in a graphical pie-chart format.
Received Packets
Displays the type and number of packets received by the interface.
Transmitted Packets
Displays the type and number of packets transmitted by the interface.
Displays the number of packets received/transmitted by the interface that had a single, unique source or destination address.
Displays the number of packets received/transmitted by the interface that had a source or destination address recognized by more than one device on the network segment. This field includes a count of broadcast packets -- those recognized by all devices on a segment.
Displays the number of packets received/transmitted by the interface that were discarded, even though no errors were detected. If good packets are discarded, a busy network must need to free up buffer space. This usually means that network traffic is overwhelming the device.
Displays the number of received/transmitted packets that contained errors.
Unknown Protocol
Displays the number of received packets that were discarded because of an unknown or unsupported protocol.
Transmit Queue Size
Displays the length of the output packet queue, in packets. The availability of device buffer space and the level of traffic on the target network determine how large the output packet queue can grow before the device begins to discard packets.
Packets Received
Displays the total number of packets received by the interface.
Packets Transmitted
Displays the total number of packets transmitted by the interface.

For information on related windows:
