RMON Packet Capture
The RMON Packet Capture window let you configure an RMON device so that it acts like a simple network analyzer on its network segment. It provides facilities that let you manage the filters that can be used to capture packet information. The top portion of the window displays device information fields. The remainder of the window contains the Filter List and the command buttons that allow you to create, modify, clear, and delete filters, refresh the filter list, view captured packets in the Capture Buffer window.
Click areas in the window for more information
- Index
- The index is a number that uniquely identifies each filter. Index numbers are automatically assigned each time a filter is created or modified; these numbers are random and will not necessarily be consecutive.
- Data Flow
- Indicates the current capture status of the filter: On or Off. No packets will be captured against filters which have been turned off (although all packets will still be compared to filter parameters and matches will be counted).
- Packets Matched
- Indicates the number of packets that meet the criteria set in the filter. Note that the count of matched packets displayed here does not necessarily correspond to the number of packets captured to the buffer: no packets will be captured against filters which have been turned off, and the size of each filter buffer is finite.
- Packets Captured
- Indicates the number of packets (or portions of packets, as determined by the filter definition) that have been saved to the filter's buffer.
- Description
- This is a user-defined text description used to identify the filter; the default description is default description.
- Owner
- The owner field simply defines the owner, or originator, of the request to create a new filter; the text string entered during the filter creation process is displayed here.
NOTE: | Information provided in this screen is static once it is displayed; for updated information, click Refresh. Creating or Modifying a filter automatically updates the list.
- Create Button
- Opens the Create Filter window where you can define the criteria that must be met in order for a packet to be captured.
- Modify Button
- Opens the Modify Filter window where you can change an existing filter to alter the criteria that must be met in order for a packet to be captured.
- Clear Button
- Clears the selected filter's buffer. A filter's buffer is also cleared if a filter is modified -- or even opening the Modify window and clicking Ok without making any changes -- automatically clears the buffer and resets the Packets Matched counter to zero.
If you confirm in the resulting last chance query, all packets currently stored in the filter's buffer will be deleted. If the filter is enabled, the buffer will continue to store newly matched packets up to the configured limit.
NOTE: Clearing a filter's buffer manually does not reset the Packets Captured counter.
- View Button
- Opens the RMON Packet Capture window where you can view the packets that have been captured for a selected filter.
Right-Click Menu
Console provides table options and tools that let you customize table settings and find, filter, sort, print, and export information in a table. You can access these Table Tools through a right mouse click on a column heading or anywhere in the table body. For more information, see Table Tools.
For information on related windows: