Create/Modify Event Window
The Create Alarm and Modify Event windows both provide the same set of parameters to let you associate events with the alarms that you've defined and determine the specific action triggered by the event (create a log entry or trigger a trap). The Create Event window is opened with default settings and allows you to create a new event. The Modify Event window opens showing the settings for an event selected in the Event Watch table and allows you to edit that event.
Click area in the window for more information.
- Description
- Any text description that you want to identify the event. This description appears in the Events Watch window and helps you distinguish among the events you have configured.
- Community
- This value is included in any trap messages issued by your RMON device when this event is triggered. For EOS devices, this value is also used to direct traps related to this event to the appropriate management workstation(s):
- If you enter a value in this field, traps related to this event will only be sent to the network management stations in the device's trap table that have been assigned the same community name (and for which traps have been enabled). Any IP addresses in the device's trap table that have not been assigned the same community string, or that have been assigned no community string, will not receive traps related to the alarm(s) you are configuring.
- If you leave this field blank, traps related to this event will be sent to any network management stations that have been added to the device's trap table, and for which traps have been enabled — regardless of whether or not those IP addresses have been assigned a community name in the Trap Table.
- Owner
- This allows you to enter some appropriate individual as the designated owner of this event. This could be the network manager's name or phone number, or the IP or MAC address of the management workstation, to identify the creator of the event. Since any workstation can access and change the events you are configuring, some owner identification can prevent events from being altered or deleted accidentally. The default owner is the NetSight <hostname> and <IP address> <date> <time>, where the hostname and IP address belong to the Console host system, and the date and time reflects the date and time of the event's creation.
- Event Type
- The Event Type determines how this event will respond when an associated threshold is crossed.
- Log creates log entry for the alarm associated with this event. Each event's log can be viewed by clicking on the Event Log button near the bottom of the RMON Alarm/Event List window.
- Trap instructs the device to send a pair of SNMP traps (one WARNING, one Normal) to the management station each time the event is triggered.
RMON Event Log
The Event Log provides information about the alarm that triggered an event selected in the RMON Alarm/Event List window. The top portion of the window contains the device information boxes, as well as the event index number and the event description. The bottom portion lists alarm information.
Click areas in the window for more information.
- Index
- This index number is not the event's index, but a simply an index of items in the log that uniquely identifies this occurrence of the event.
- Description
- Provides a detailed description of the alarm that triggered the event: whether it was a rising or falling alarm, the alarm index number, the alarm variable name and object identifier (OID), the alarmSampleType (1=absolute value; 2=delta value), the value that triggered the alarm, the configured threshold that was crossed, and the event description. Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the log to view all the information. Each log will hold only a finite number of entries, which is determined by the resources available on the device. When the log is full, the oldest entries will be replaced by new ones.
For information on related windows: