Alarm History Window (Legacy)
Extreme Management Center records alarm information whenever an alarm is raised and whenever an alarm is cleared, and displays the records in the Alarm History window, allowing you to view information about current and past alarms.
If a triggering event is stored with a selected history record, you can view the event by clicking the View Trigger button. If there is no triggering event, the button is disabled. You can enable an option to preserve alarm triggering events and store them with the alarm history record in the Suite-Wide Alarm Configuration options (Tools > Options > Suite > Alarm Configuration).
You can access the Alarm History from Console and Management Center.
- In the Console Event View Alarms tab, use the All Alarm History button to view information about all current and past alarms, or right-click on an alarm to view an alarm history for that specific alarm.
- In the Management Center Alarms tab, click on a Source link to view an alarm history for that device or click on the Alarm Name link to view a history for that specific alarm.
- In the Management Center Network tab, right-click on a device and select Alarm History from the menu to view an alarm history for that device.
- In the Management Center Interface Summary view, right-click on an interface and select Alarm History from the menu to view an alarm history for that interface.
Sample Console Alarm History window
Alarm Limits
If alarm action limits have been enabled for an alarm (in the Actions subtab of the Alarms Manager window), you can right-click on an alarm history record and select Alarm Limits to open the Alarm Tracking Information window (shown below). This window displays the configured action limit, the number of times the action has been taken (Total Count), the number of times the action has been taken since the last reset, and the time of the next reset. You can also manually reset the alarm limit count using the Reset Count button. This resets the count for only this alarm on only this device or interface.
Alarm History Options
You can change certain alarm history parameters in the Suite-Wide Alarm Configuration options (Tools > Options > Suite > Alarm Configuration).
- By default, the alarm history is maintained for 14 days. You can change the number of days in the options.
- By default, a history record is created the first time an alarm is raised on a device or interface, and also when it is cleared. In the options, you can enable a Detailed Alarm History, so that repeat occurrences of an alarm being raised will also be recorded.
- You can enable an option to preserve alarm triggering events, so that any triggering events are stored with the alarm history record. If a triggering event is stored with the currently selected history record, you can view the event by clicking the View Trigger button in the Alarm History window. If there is no triggering event, the button is disabled.
For information on related windows:
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