TopN Collector Advanced Settings Window

Use this window to configure advanced settings for the TopN Collector. You can access the window from the TopN Collector view in the Console options.

The TopN Collector collects the data used in Extreme Management Center TopN reports. It also collects the signal strength data reported by Wireless Controllers. The collector collects data over a one hour time period. At the end of the hour, the collector evaluates the data and stores only the most significant details collected for that hour.

You can use these advanced settings to enable and disable the collection of different TopN data. Enabling and disabling collection will take effect immediately.

You can specify the number of entries to save at the end of each hourly interval. You can also control the amount of memory used during the hour to collect information, by specifying a maximum number of entries. If more entries are needed during the hour than the maximum, additional entries are stored on disk, which is slower. This results in a direct trade-off in memory usage versus CPU usage. Increasing these values might use more memory and decreasing these values might use more CPU.

If you change the value for Number of Entries to Persist (TopN), the new value will be used for the next hourly calculation. For example, if you change the value at 3:05 or 3:55, the new value will be used for the 4:00 calculation.

If you change the value for Maximum Number of Entries in Memory, the new value takes effect during the next hour of data collection. For example, if you change the value at 3:05 or 3:55, it takes effect during the hour that starts at 4:00 and ends at 5:00.

The default number of entries to persist is 100, with a minimum value of 5 and a maximum value of 1000. The default maximum number of entries in memory is 10000 with a minimum value of 1000 and a maximum value of 1,000,000.