How to Clear Threshold Alarms

A threshold alarm is a network alarm that is triggered when a specified value enters an unacceptable range. There are two types of threshold alarms based on the type of monitored statistics: OneView and TopN.

There are differences in how OneView and TopN threshold alarms can be cleared. This Help topic explains those differences.

For more information on creating threshold alarms, see the How to Configure Alarms in Alarms Manager and the Edit Threshold Window Help topics.

Clearing OneView Threshold Alarms

OneView threshold alarms can be cleared manually using the Console Event Log and the Alarms tab on the Management Center Alarms and Events tab. In addition, there are two ways to configure a OneView threshold alarm to clear automatically, each with different advantages:

  • A OneView threshold alarm can be configured to self-clear. This is called re-arming the alarm. Re-arming allows the threshold alarm to clear itself when the monitored statistic is restored to an acceptable range, without requiring a second alarm definition. When an alarm self-clears, no action is triggered. Use a self-clearing alarm unless you want to trigger an action when the alarm clears.
  • A clearing alarm can be configured to clear the OneView threshold alarm when the monitored statistic is restored to an acceptable range. Use a clearing alarm if you want to configure distinct actions for both the threshold alarm and the clearing alarm.

Here are examples of both ways to automatically clear a OneView threshold alarm.

Using a Self-Clearing Threshold Alarm:

Alarm 1

Name: High CPU

Severity: Warning

Statistic: NetSight Server CPU

Cross when value goes above 80

Re-arm when value goes below 50

Using a Threshold Alarm and a Separate Clearing Alarm:

Alarm 1

Name: High CPU

Severity: Warning

Statistic: NetSight Server CPU

Cross when value goes above 80

Cleared by CPU OK alarm.

Alarm 2

Name: CPU OK
Severity: Clear
Statistic: NetSight Server CPU
Cross when value goes below 50
(No re-arm value is used.)

Clearing Application Analytics Threshold Alarms

Application Analytics threshold alarms can be manually cleared using the Console Event Log or the Alarms tab on the Management Center Alarms and Events tab.

In addition, a clearing alarm can be configured to clear the Application Analytics threshold alarm when the monitored statistic is restored to an acceptable range. Here is an example of using a threshold alarm and a separate clearing alarm:

Alarm 1

Name: High Client Facebook Bandwidth
Severity: Warning
Target Type: Application/Client
Cross when value goes above 10 megabytes
Cleared by Client Facebook Bandwidth OK alarm.

Alarm 2

Name: Client Facebook Bandwidth OK
Severity: Clear
Target Type: Application/Client
Cross when value goes below 10 megabytes
