How to Reset a Device

Use the Reset Device Wizard to reset a single device, multiple devices, or even multiple device groups. The wizard lets you reset devices that support Timed Reset as well as those devices that do not. Timed Reset lets you configure your reset operation with a time delay, so that the actual device resets take place at a later time.

Use these steps to reset a device.

  1. Select Tools > Wizards > Reset Wizard from the menu bar or click   on the toolbar. The Reset Device Wizard opens.
  2. Select the devices to reset:
    1. Expand the folders under the left-panel tree and select the single device or device group, or multiple devices or device groups (using the Control or Shift keys). Click Add.
       NOTE:If you have multiple tree nodes representing the same device but with varying SNMP contexts, keep in mind that not all device contexts will provide access to the MIBs required to perform the operation. When selecting your devices, make sure that any device with SNMP context has access to the required MIBs, or select the device with default context (switch mode).
    2. The devices will be listed in the Selected Devices table. Devices that do not support the reset operation or have never been contacted, are not listed. If you want to remove a device from the list, select the device and click Remove.
    3. Click Next.
      TIP: If you open the Reset Device Wizard from a device or device group in the left-panel Network Elements tab, the selected device(s) will be automatically displayed under Selected Devices.
  3. Reset devices that support Timed Reset:
    If you are resetting devices that support Timed Reset, you will see a window listing those devices. Timed Reset gives you the flexibility to set up your reset operation with a time delay, so that the actual device resets take place at a later time. This can be useful when trying to schedule resets for a time when the network is least busy.
    1. In the Selected column, select the devices that you want to reset. You can select an option to display devices that do not support timed reset; however, these devices cannot be reset from this window.
    2. In the Reset Time field, click the Select button to open the Select Reset Time window where you can schedule a date and time for the reset. Use the drop-down list to select the month you want the download to start. A calendar corresponding to the selected month is displayed. Select the desired starting day by clicking on the calendar. You can use the arrows on either side of the drop-down list to change the month, and change the year by entering a new year in the text field. Set the starting time for the operation and select AM or PM.
    3. Select the reset type: Warm boot (restarts the device) or Cold boot (same as turning device power off and on).
    4. Click Start to initiate the timed resets. Resets occur simultaneously. Once the reset operation has started, you must click Refresh to update the device information in the table.
  4. Reset devices that do not support Timed Reset:
    If you are resetting devices that do not support Timed Reset, you will see a window listing those devices.
    1. In the Selected column, select the devices that you want to reset.
    2. Select the reset type: Warm boot (restarts the device) or Cold boot (same as turning device power off and on).
    3. Click Start to initiate the resets. Resets occur one at a time, continuing only after a device is fully booted.
    4. After the reset operation is completed, you can click Refresh to update the device information in the table.
  5. Click Finish to close the wizard.

For information on related tasks:
