Details View Tab (All Devices Folder)
The Details View tab appears in the right panel when you select the All Devices folder in the left panel's Network Elements tab. The All Devices folder contains all the devices in the NetSight database, and the Details View displays a table of information about those devices. Right-click an item or items for a menu of options.
TIP: | This information is also displayed in the General tab
and Image Information tab
for each device. The General tab allows you to view the information and also edit
certain fields. |
Use the table options and tools to find,
filter, sort, print, and export information in a table and customize table settings. You can access the Table
Tools through a right-mouse click on a column heading or anywhere in the table
body, or by clicking the Table Tools
button in the
upper left corner of the table (if you have the row count column displayed). For more information, see the
Table Tools Help topic.
Click the graphic for more information.
- Alert
- A yellow alert icon in this column signifies one or more of the following:
-- there is a difference between one or more saved configuration files for this device and a previous file saved for the device.
-- the device status is No Contact.
-- the last archive save or restore for this device failed.
-- the last firmware upgrade for this device failed.
- IP address
- The device's IP address. Note that chassis that support Distributed Forwarding Engines (DFEs), such as the N-Series, display a single management IP even though there may be multiple DFE modules in the chassis.
- Updates
- The firmware release status for the device according to the results from the
latest Tools > Check for Firmware Updates operation.
Place your cursor on the column to see a tooltip describing the status.
- Firmware Up To Date - The device is running the latest release of firmware.
- New Firmware Available - There is a new release of firmware available for this device. Right-click the icon and select Firmware Releases Available to open the Updates Available window where you can download the new firmware.
- Check Firmware Update - A Check for Firmware Updates needs to be performed to get updates for this device. For more information, see the Suite-Wide Tools How to Check for Updates Help topic.
- No Updates Available - This device does not support the Check for Firmware Updates feature.
- Name
- Displays the device display name (IP address, System Name, or Nickname) as configured in the Suite-Wide Tools Data Display Format Options window, followed by the SNMP context, if applicable. Entries in this column are displayed in italics to represent that the information may be "stale". Clicking the Refresh button changes the entries to bold, indicating that the information is current for a minute when you first display the view. Changing any other device information (including acknowledging an Alert icon) also changes the entry to bold.
- Last Status
- The device's last known connection status (Contact or No Contact) and, therefore, its ability to respond to SNMP requests. The status is updated when you right-click the All Devices folder and select Refresh (Rediscover) from the menu, or click the Refresh button.
- Uptime
- The amount of time, in a days hh:mm:ss format, that the device has been running since the last start-up.
- FW Reference
- A
indicates that the current firmware version installed in the device matches the firmware reference image set for this device's binary family. For more information, see How to Set a Reference Image. This column allows you to easily identify devices that need to be upgraded to the reference image.
NOTE: In order to provide this information, Inventory Manager compares the name and version number of the reference image file to the current firmware on the device. The version number must be available from the reference image file and the current firmware on the device must have been installed at some point via an Inventory Manager Firmware Upgrade Wizard operation that included a device reset. Otherwise, this column may be blank even though the firmware version installed on the device may actually match the reference image. If the version number is not available from an image file, you can manually set the version number in the Firmware Image General Tab.
- BP Reference
- A
indicates that the current boot PROM version installed in the device matches the boot PROM reference image set for this device's binary family. For more information, see How to Set a Reference Image. This column allows you to easily identify devices that need to be upgraded to the reference image.
NOTE: In order to provide this information, Inventory Manager compares the name and version number of the reference image file to the current boot PROM on the device. The version number must be available from the reference image file and the current boot PROM on the device must have been installed at some point via an Inventory Manager Boot PROM Upgrade Wizard operation that included a device reset. Otherwise, this column may be blank even though the boot PROM version installed on the device may actually match the reference image. If the version number is not available from an image file, you can manually set the version number in the Firmware Image General Tab.
- MAC Address
- The physical layer address assigned to the interface through which Inventory Manager is communicating. MAC addresses are hard-coded in the device, and are not configurable.
- System Description
- Description of the piece of equipment, which may include its manufacturer, model number, and firmware revision number.
- Chassis Slot
- The slot number in the chassis where the device resides. N-Series devices and devices that do not reside in a chassis, display a value of N/A.
- Memory
- The device's total installed local memory, DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory), reported in megabytes (MB).
- File Transfer Method
- The file transfer method for this device. For more information, see How to Set a File Transfer Method.
- FW Download
- A
indicates the device supports the ability to download firmware using the Firmware Upgrade Wizard.
- Boot PROM Download
- A
indicates the device supports the ability to download boot PROM images using the Boot PROM Upgrade Wizard.
- Config Download
- A
indicates the device supports the ability to save and restore archives (configurations) using the Archive Wizard and Restore Wizard.
- Timed Reset
- A
indicates the device supports the ability to perform a timed reset using the Reset Device Wizard.
- Performs a device refresh, updating the device information in the table. If the Name column entry is in italics (indicating that the information may be "stale"), clicking this Refresh button changes the Name column entry to bold, indicating that you have current device information for a minute when you first display the view.
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