Details View Tab (Archive)
The Details View tab appears when you select an archive operation in the left panel's Archive Mgmt tab. The Details View displays the archive's versions -- the dates and times that the selected archive has been performed. Right-click an item or items for a menu of options.
Use the table options and tools to find,
filter, sort, print, and export information in a table and customize table settings. You can access the Table
Tools through a right-mouse click on a column heading or anywhere in the table
body, or by clicking the Table Tools
button in the
upper left corner of the table (if you have the row count column displayed). For more information, see the
Table Tools Help topic.
Click the graphic for more information.
- Alert
- A yellow alert icon in this column signifies one or more of the following:
-- there is a difference between the saved configuration(s) in this version and previous configurations saved for the device(s).
-- a configuration save failed for one or more of the devices in this archive version.
- Version
- Lists the all the dates and times (archive versions) that the selected archive has been performed.
- Archive Type
- The icon in this column signifies the type of data the archive is configured to save:
-- Device Configuration Data
-- Capacity Planning Data
-- Both Device Configuration and Capacity Planning Data
- Locked
- A
indicates that the archive version is locked. A locked archive version will not be deleted when the maximum number of saved versions for this archive (as specified in the Archive Wizard) has been reached. To lock and unlock an archive version, select the version in the Archive Mgmt tab, and select Tools > Lock/Unlock.
- # Diff Configs
- The number of saved configurations that are different from the previous configurations saved for the device(s).
- Memo
- Displays any notes about the version entered into the Memo field in the Archive Version General tab.
For information on related tabs:
For information on related tasks: