Advanced Switch Settings
This window allows you to configure settings for switches that require a different configuration than your standard switch settings set in the Appliance Settings window for Extreme Access Control (formerly NAC) engines.
You can access the window from the Add Switch to NAC Appliance Group window or the Edit Switch in NAC Appliance Group window.
Click areas in the window for more information.
Use the drop-down list to display a list of the IP subnets configured in the Appliance Settings window. Click the edit button on the drop-down list to open the IP
Resolution tab of the Appliance Settings window where you can add, edit, or delete IP subnets. If you select a subnet, the switch uses it as an inclusive
list for MAC to IP resolution. Specifying an IP subnet in a static IP network
allows for a router to be used for IP resolution in cases where it would not be
discovered via DHCP. IP subnets also contain an IP range which can be used to
filter out secondary IP addresses that are not valid for the network. For more information on MAC to IP Resolution, see
the NAC Deployment Guide.
This option allows you to override the shared secret configured in the Switch Configuration section of the Credentials tab of the Appliance Settings window. This is the shared secret the switch uses to communicate with the Extreme Access Control engine. Only use this option when the switch cannot use the standard shared secret you use for the rest of your devices. When the Show Password option is selected, the shared secret is shown in text.
Override Reauthentication Behavior
This option allows you to override the RFC 3576 reauthentication and port link control settings configured in the Switch Reauthentication Configuration section of the Reauthentication tab of the Appliance Settings window. Use the drop-down list to display a list of the reauthentication types. Click the Edit button on the drop-down menu to open the Appliance Settings window where you can add, edit, or delete reauthentication types.
For information on related windows: