Updates Available Window

This window lists any assessment software updates that are available for updating your on-board agent-less assessment servers in your NAC appliances. The download operation will download the software updates to the NetSight server, but will not perform the actual upgrade to the assessment server on the NAC appliance. The actual upgrade must be performed using the Upgrade button in the Manage Assessment Settings window.

The window can be accessed from the Help > Check for Assessment Updates menu option or from the Check for Updates button in the Manage Assessment Settings window with the Assessment Servers tab selected. 

Click the graphic for more information.

Update Name
The name of the software update.
The version number of the available update.
The size of the update in bytes.
A description of the software update.
Download Progress
A progress bar showing the percent completed of the download operation.
Download Button
Initiates the download operation. The download operation will download the software updates to the NetSight server, but will not perform the actual upgrade to the assessment server on the NAC appliance. The actual upgrade must be performed using the Upgrade button in the Manage Assessment Settings window with the Assessment Servers tab selected.
