Getting Started with Extreme Management Center

This topic provides information to help you get started using Extreme Management Center to view network data. It includes information on configuring Management Center access requirements, including several different access scenarios. It also provides steps for enabling the statistics and flow collection that provides Management Center reporting data, and information on Management Center scalability.


This section provides information on license requirements for the different Management Center features, as well as access requirements, browser requirements, and screen resolution requirements.

Extreme Management Center License Requirements

The following table shows license requirements for the different Management Center features. Contact your sales representative for information on obtaining the appropriate Management Center license.

Extreme Management Center Feature License Required
Alarms and Events
Control (End Systems tab)
NetSight Base (NMS-BASE)
All the above features and:
Control (Dashboard, System, Health, Data Center, and Configuration tabs)
Web FlexViews
Check for Firmware Updates
NetSight (NMS)
All the above features and:
Advanced Wireless Map features
NetSight Advanced (NMS-ADV)

Extreme Management Center Access Requirements

Access to the Management Center application and its features is determined by the user's membership in a Management Center authorization group and the group's assigned capabilities. The following table lists the different Management Center access options and features, and their corresponding capabilities. For more information on how to configure capabilities and authorization group membership, see the Management Center Help topic "How to Configure User Access to Extreme Management Center Applications," located in the Management Center Suite-Wide Tools user guide in the "Authorization Device Access" section.

To have full read/write access to all Management Center functionality, a user must be a member of an authorization group with the capabilities shown in the following table. Optionally, users can be configured to have read-only and limited read-only access to Management Center functionality by selecting a combination of capabilities.

Management Center Access Options and Features Required Capabilities
Launch Management Center.
Allows the ability to launch the Management Center application.
NetSight OneView > Access OneView
View Management Center Reports.
Adds the ability to view reporting data.
NetSight OneView > Access OneView Reports
View Management Center Maps.
Adds the ability to view maps.
NetSight OneView > Maps > Maps Read Access
View and Configure Management Center Maps.
Adds the ability to view and configure maps.
NetSight OneView > Maps > Maps Read/Write Access
View Management Center Wireless.
Adds the ability to view wireless data.
NetSight Console > Wireless Manager > Launch
View Management Center Administration.
Adds access to the Management Center administration tools and the ability to enable data collection.
NetSight OneView > Access OneView Administration
View Management Center Search.
Adds the ability to use the Management Center Search functionality.
NetSight OneView > Access OneView Search
View Management Center Network and Alarms and Events.
Adds the ability to view device information and event log details.
NetSight OneView > Events and Alarms > OneView Event Log Access
View Management Center alarms.
Adds the ability to view current alarms in the Alarms and Events page.
NetSight OneView > Events and Alarms > OneView Alarms Read Access
View and clear Management Center alarms.
Adds the ability to view and clear alarms in the Alarms and Events page.
NetSight OneView > Events and Alarms > OneView Alarms Read/Write Access
View Management Center Control.
Adds the ability to view Dashboard, System, Health, and Data Center reports under the Control tab.
NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > Access OneView Identity and Access Reports
View Management Center Control end-systems table.
Adds the ability to view end-system information under the Control tab.
NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView End-Systems Read Access
View and modify Management Center Control end-systems table.
Adds the ability to perform actions in the end-systems table, such as forcing reauthentication and changing an end-system's group membership.
NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView End-Systems Read/Write Access
View Management Center Control Group Information.
Adds the ability to launch the Group Editor tool from the Control tab > End-Systems view, and view group information.
NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView Group Read Access
View and Edit Management Center Control tab Group Information.
Adds the ability to launch the Group Editor tool from the Control tab > End-Systems view, and add, edit, and delete groups.
NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView Group Read/Write Access
View Management Center Flows.
Adds the ability to view NetFlow data for devices in the network.
NetSight OneView > NetFlow Read Access
View Management Center Flows and allow NetFlow Sensor Write access.
Adds the ability to view NetFlow data and configure the Console NetFlow Sensor Configuration view.
NetSight OneView > NetFlow Read/Write Access
Allow Web FlexView read access.
Adds the ability to launch a FlexView from the Management Center Network tab.
NetSight OneView > FlexView > OneView FlexView Read Access
Allow Web FlexView Write access.
Adds the ability to launch and edit a FlexView from the Management Center Network tab.
NetSight OneView > FlexView > OneView FlexView Read/Write Access
Allow Wireless Controller Automatic WebView Login ability.
Adds the ability to launch local management for wireless controllers without requiring a login, as long as the user's credentials are good. Users who do not have this capability are required to log in.
NetSight Suite > Device Local Management WebView > Auto Login to Web Local Management for ExtremeWireless Wireless Controllers
Allow Check for Firmware Updates ability.
Adds the ability to check for firmware updates from the Management Center Network tab.
NetSight Suite > NetSight All User Options > Request and Configure Support
Allow Create Policy Rule ability.
Adds the ability to create a policy rule in NetFlow tables.
NetSight Policy Manager > Read/Write capabilities for Policy Enforcement and Management
Add Devices.
Adds the ability to add devices in the Management Center Network tab.
NetSight Suite > Devices > Add, Discover and Import
Delete Devices.
Adds the ability to delete devices in the Management Center Network tab.
NetSight Suite > Devices > Delete
Compare Configurations.
Adds the ability to compare archived device configurations in either the Management Center Network tab or the Archive Details Report available in the Management Center Reports tab.
Inventory Manager > Configuration Archive Management > View/Compare Configurations

Here are several scenarios that show how different Management Center user access levels can be configured based on assigned capabilities.

Use Case 1: Full Read/Write Access

To provide full read/write access to all Management Center functionality, configure user membership in an authorization group assigned the following capabilities:

  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView
  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView Reports
  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView Search
  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView Administration
  • NetSight OneView > NetFlow Read/Write Access
  • NetSight OneView > Maps > Maps Read/Write Access
  • NetSight Console > Wireless Manager > Launch
  • NetSight OneView > Events and Alarms > OneView Event Log Access
  • NetSight OneView > Events and Alarms > OneView Alarms Read/Write Access
  • NetSight OneView > FlexView > OneView FlexView Read/Write Access
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > Access OneView Identity and Access Reports
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView End-Systems Read/Write Access
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView Group Read/Write Access
  • NetSight Policy Manager > Read/Write capabilities for Policy Enforcement and Management
  • NetSight Suite > Device Local Management WebView > Auto Login to Web Local Management for ExtremeWireless Wireless Controllers
  • NetSight Suite > NetSight All User Options > Request and Configure Support
  • NetSight Suite > Devices > Add, Discover and Import
  • NetSight Suite > Devices > Delete
  • Inventory Manager > Configuration Archive Management > View/Compare Configurations

Use Case 2: Read-Only Access

To provide read-only access to all Management Center reports and FlexViews, configure user membership in an authorization group assigned the following capabilities:

  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView
  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView Reports
  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView Search
  • NetSight OneView > NetFlow Read Access
  • NetSight OneView > Maps > Maps Read Access
  • NetSight Console > Wireless Manager > Launch
  • NetSight OneView > Events and Alarms > OneView Event Log Access
  • NetSight OneView > Events and Alarms > OneView Alarms Read Access
  • NetSight OneView > FlexView > OneView FlexView Read Access
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > Access OneView Identity and Access Reports
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView End-Systems Read Access
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView Group Read Access

Use Case 3: Limited Read-Only Access

To provide limited read-only access to only Management Center reporting and wireless data, configure user membership in an authorization group assigned the following capabilities:

  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView
  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView Reports
  • NetSight Console > Wireless Manager > Launch

Use Case 4: End-System Information, Read-Only Access

To provide read-only access to Management Center end-system information, configure user membership in an authorization group assigned the following capabilities:

  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView End-Systems Read Access

Use Case 5: End-System Information, Read/Write Access

To provide read/write access to Management Center end-system information, configure user membership in an authorization group assigned the following capabilities:

  • NetSight OneView > Access OneView
  • NetSight OneView > Identity and Access > OneView End-Systems Read/Write Access

Browser Requirements

The following web browsers are supported:

  • Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer version 11
  • Mozilla Firefox 34 and later
  • Google Chrome 33.0 and later

Browsers must have JavaScript enabled in order for the web-based views to function.

While it is not required that cookies are enabled, impaired functionality results if they are not. This includes (but is not limited to) the ability to generate PDFs and persist table configurations such as filters, sorting, and column selections.

Screen Resolution

For optimum display of graphs and tables, Management Center is best viewed on a system with a minimum screen resolution of 1280x1024.

Enable Report Data Collection

To view Management Center reporting data, you must enable statistics collection for your network devices. You must be a member of an authorization group that has been assigned the NetSight OneView > Access NetSight OneView and Administration capability to enable data collection. Data collection is not available with the NMS-BASE license.

Enable Device Statistics Collection

To view Management Center device reports, you must enable statistics collection for your network devices from either Management Center Devices, or the Console device tree or Device Properties tab. Statistics can be collected in a historical collection mode or a monitor collection mode.

  • Historical Mode — Device statistics are saved to the database and aggregated over time, and are then used in Management Center reports. The device statistics are also used for active threshold alarms configured in the Console Alarms Manager.
  • Monitor Mode — Device statistics are saved to a Monitor cache for one hour and then dropped. These statistics are used for active threshold alarms, configured in the Console Alarms Manager, but not for Management Center reporting.
  •   NOTE: The Monitor mode option is not available if you have disabled Monitor Collection in the OneView Collector Advanced Settings window in Administration > Options.

If you are enabling statistics collection on an Extreme Access Control engine, Application Detection engine, or ExtremeWireless Controller, read through the following notes:

  • Access Control Engine
    When collecting statistics on an Access Control engine, the engine must be added to Management Center to collect all engine statistics. In addition, Monitor mode is not supported on Access Control engines.
  • Application Detection Engine
    When collecting statistics on an Application Detection engine, the engine must be added to the Analytics > Configuration > Application Analytics Engines table in order for Management Center to collect all Application Detection statistics. In addition, Monitor mode is not supported on Application Detection engines.
  • ExtremeWireless Controller
    Wireless Controller statistics collection is configured separately from other devices. See below for information on enabling wireless controller statistics collection.

Steps for Enabling Collection

Use the following steps to enable device statistics collection.

  1. You can enable statistics collection from either Management Center or Console:
    • In the Network tab, right-click one or more devices (multiple devices must be in the same device family) and select Device > Collect Device Statistics. You can also click the gear menu Button in the upper left corner of the Network tab and select Device > Collect Device Statistics.
    • In the Console device tree or Device Properties tab, right-click one or more devices (multiple devices must be in the same device family) and select OneView > Collect Device Statistics.
  2. From the Collect Device Statistics window, select the statistic collection mode you want to use: Historical or Monitor.

  3. All active threshold alarms configured in the Management Center Alarms and Events tab (for the selected device family) that use the collected statistics display in the Active Threshold Alarm Summary box. If the selected devices do not match any active threshold alarms, this box is blank. To reduce unnecessary statistic collection, do not enable Monitor mode on devices that do not match any active threshold alarms.
     TIP:A summary event is generated daily in the Alarms and Events > Events tab that shows the number of device with statistic collection enabled where corresponding threshold alarms are not configured.
  4. Click OK. Management Center begins collecting statistics for the selected devices.

Enable Interface Statistics Collection

To view Management Center interface reports, you must enable statistics collection for your device interfaces from either the Management CenterNetwork tab, or the Console Port Properties tab or Interface Summary FlexView. Statistics can be collected in a historical collection mode or a monitored collection mode.

  • Historical Mode — Interface statistics are saved to the database and aggregated over time, used in Management Center reports. The interface statistics are also used for active threshold alarms configured in the Alarms and Events tab.
  • Monitor Mode — Interface statistics are saved to a Monitor cache for one hour and then dropped. These statistics are used for active threshold alarms configured in the Console Alarms Manager, but not for Management Center reporting. (Note that the Monitor mode option is not available if you have disabled Monitor Collection in the OneView Collector Advanced Settings window in the Administration > Options tab.)

Steps for Enabling Collection

Use the following steps to enable interface statistics collection.

  1. You can enable statistics collection from either Management Center or Console:
    • On the Network tab, click on the device name link to open the Interface Summary FlexView. In the FlexView, right-click on one or more interfaces and select Collect Interface Statistics.
    • On the Network tab, right-click on a device and select Port Tree. In the Port Tree, select an interface, right-click and select Collect Interface Statistics.
    • In the Console Port Properties tab or Interface Summary FlexView, right-click one or more interfaces and select the OneView > Collect Interface Statistics.
  2. From the Collect Device Statistics window, select the statistic collection mode you want to use: Historical or Monitor.

  3. All active threshold alarms configured in the Management Center Alarms and Events tab (for the selected device family) that use the collected statistics display in the Active Threshold Alarm Summary box. If the selected devices do not match any active threshold alarms, this box is blank. To reduce unnecessary statistic collection, do not enable Monitor mode on devices that do not match any active threshold alarms.
     TIP:A summary event is generated daily in the Alarms and Events > Events tab that shows the number of device with statistic collection enabled where corresponding threshold alarms are not configured.
  4. Click OK. Management Center begins collecting statistics for the selected interfaces.

Enable Wireless Controller Statistics Collection

Wireless Controller statistics collection is configured separately from other devices. When you enable Wireless Controller statistics collection, it includes Wireless Controller, WLAN, Topology, and AP wired and wireless statistics, and you also have the option to collect wireless client statistics.

You can enable statistics collection for multiple controllers, however the group cannot contain a mix of devices and wireless controllers. The group must include only controllers.

Steps for Enabling Collection

Use the following steps to enable wireless controller statistics collection.

  1. You can enable statistics collection from either Management Center or Console:
    • On the Network tab, right-click one or more wireless controllers and select Device > Collect Device Statistics. You can also click the gear menu Button in the upper left corner of the Network tab and select Device > Collect Device Statistics.
    • In the Console device tree or Device Properties tab, right-click one or more wireless controllers and select OneView > Collect Device Statistics.
  2. From the Collect Controller Statistics window, select the statistics you want to collect.
  3. Click OK. Management Center begins collecting statistics for the selected controllers.

Enable Flow Collection

To view Management Center Flow and Application reports, you must enable NetFlow on the device and enable flow collection for the device interfaces. N-Series, S-Series, and K-Series devices support NetFlow flow collection. You must be a member of an authorization group assigned the NetSight OneView > NetFlow Read/Write Access capability to view NetFlow data and enable flow collection in Management Center. Flow collection is not available with the NMS-BASE license.

Enable NetFlow on a Device

In Console, open the Flow Sensor Configuration window (Tools > NetFlow Sensor Configuration). This window lists all the devices that support NetFlow. Select a device and use Enable NetFlow to add the NetSight server as a flow collector for that device.

Enable Flow Collection on an Interface

In PortView, you can enable flow collection from the Configure Collection State section of the Interface Details tab. See Launching PortView for instructions on how to open PortView.

Extreme Management Center Scalability

Management Center supports reporting on 20,000 objects as determined by the number of devices and interfaces being monitored, along with polling interval and data storage periods. Below are two example network configurations resulting in collected objects under 20,000. For additional information on tuning your deployment, please contact Extreme Networks Support.

Variables Scenario 1 Scenario 2
Data Retention Raw Data 7 Days 7 Days
Hourly Rollups 8 Weeks 8 Weeks
Daily Rollups 6 Months 6 Months
Polling Interval 15 Minutes 15 Minutes
Devices Wireless Controllers 5 10
Wireless APs 1000 2000
Advanced Switch/Routers 150 50
Advanced Interfaces 1000 200
Servers 150 50
Collected Objects 19,450 18,630

Extreme Management Center Timeout

Management Center automatically times out after a specified amount of time, specified in the HTTP Session Timeout section of the Web Server view in the Administration > Options tab. A dialog box appears to warn you when you are two minutes from timing out of a Management Center web page. For additional information, see the Web Server Options Help topic.