Classes of Service Usage Window

This window provides an easy way to view class of service information for a specific port. In the window, you select a port and a role. A table then displays the actual rate limit and transmit queue configuration that would be implemented on the selected port if a user's traffic were to match any of the rules defined for the role.

To access this window, select View > CoS Usage from the menu bar. You can also access the window by right-clicking a port in the left-panel Network Elements tab and selecting CoS Usage from the menu. The port will be automatically selected in the window.

Click the graphic for more information.

Classes of Service Usage

 DevicesSelect a RoleDevice Class of Service ModeRuleClass of ServiceToSTransmit QueueView or Edit CoS
Expand the tree and select the port whose class of service usage you want to view.
Select a Role
Use the drop-down list to select the desired role.
Device Class of Service Mode
The Class of Service mode specified for the device on the device General tab.
The name of the rule the class of service is part of.
Class of Service
The name of the class of service associated with the rule.
The ToS value associated with the class of service, if any.
Transmit Queue
The transmit queue associated with the class of service for this port.
Inbound Rate Limit
The inbound rate limit associated with the class of service for this port.
View/Edit CoS Button
Select a rule in the table and click this button to access the class of service (CoS) General tab where you can view and edit the class of service values.

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